Wednesday 27 June 2012

What's Interesting?

Selamat malam, hari ini tepat pukul 23:09 waktu netbook saya, dan butuh waktu lebih dari 15 menit untuk merampungkan tulisan ini. Dan... pada pukul 00:00 tepat tengah malam nanti, salah satu teman dekat saya, Azlinda Junianti akan merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke 21. Saya tidak ingin mngucapkan selamat ulang tahun padanya sekarang. Karena... kau tahu, itu terlalu cepat. Jadi... lebih baik aku mundur beberapa menit lagi dan hanya akan meng-sms-nya. Berpura2 terbangun karena alarm yang bertuliskan 'Hey, it's ur close friend's birthday'. Actually, not kind of that. I just kidding :)

Emmm... okay. a long time I leave this blog without any maintenance. I just fixed it today, and I just have more time now to write everything which possible, cos I think, I will be blame if I leave something that I just fixed. Yeah, it's kinda relationship? But I don't wanna talk about that. That's boring for me now.

And, now only two things can entertain my brain and make me interest, the first is SHERLOCK and the second is my new BLACKblablabla. I'm not get the suitable name for it yet. But honestly it's just an ukulele. But I more excited than look some people of 'academic'. Yeah, that's it. and.... for Azlinda Junianti.... emmm... I'll text you later. ahahaha :p

Sherlock Holmes TV Series -BBC- ( I'm waiting for Session 3 ><)

My Blackblablabla ( I love my nails too :P)

Ok. I think that's all. I have to pretend I'm 'still sleeping' and suddenly wake up to text Azlinda. ahahaha :p See yaaa :DDD