Wednesday 29 August 2012

My first photo comic. Hahaha

Ceritanya dipersingkat…

Suatu hari, salah dua (bukan salah satu, karena dua2nya sering salah :P) teman terdekat saya di Samarinda berkunjung ke kos untuk sekedar melepas rindu sambil berceritera yang sebenarnya tidak penting, tapi dikemas dengan nada suara yang menarik??! Halah apasih?!

Dan kemudian, seperti biasanya, mereka sedikit agak narsis, minta di poto seolah-olah gak sengaja, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah 'candit' (itu kalo saya gak salah tulis :P). Tapi, pada kenyataannya, saya bohong, poto2 ini memang diambil dengan kurang persetujuan dari pihak sebelah, alias kurang disadari oleh mereka yang berwajah bodoh tersebut ha ha :P dan karena teman2 saya ini suka bercerita dan bertindak bodoh, iseng aja saya cepret pake kamera hape :P

Dan inilah yang bisa saya dedikasikan untuk mereka berdua, sebuah komik foto pertama dengan judul: In memoir…. Azlinda Junianti and Elis Kartika, False daughter vs False Mom, selamat menikmati (Hahahahaha xp)

Se, lis, maap ya, mumpung masih bau lebaran :D oiya satu lagi… Merdeka!!! Mumpung masih agustus. Wehehehe xp xD. Tadaaa :D

Silly band (She's really bad in dreaming)

Hai… second time, U know I still love this word to out from someone's mouth. Just him who say this word  to be interesting even the first, I know that word is really ordinary and boring. But forget it :P Give me smile… cheers :)

Ok. What I want to write today is, about silly band.  That day, I went to a presentation or seminar about teaching guidance. Then bla bla bla…. I got the silly band from one of the speaker of that seminar, Ms Meagan. She brought a pack of silly band to give it to each person in that event (I don't know what is it for? Or just for sign that she is).  Yeah, cute silly bands (actually, I didn' t take it only one, but five). The shapes are cute for my age, and I never use it or wear it before. I just know that named silly band.

Like the other, I chose some colors, some shapes which were I thought that cute and good. Then, these are what I've got. And I made a story from here, the story of A Girl. Ahaha. Soooo philosophical :P

Yupp… There was a magic wand :P (when I saw it, I just thinking about fairy and magical power). Then there is a girl, actually the color was pink. Then a heart shape, with red color, then a grey crown, and the last was a star and it's blue :D what a cute!

Yeah, I wanna write it easily in Bahasa. Oke, U know lah, second language which not too influenced, sometimes make us tired when we use it :P but I'll try :D

Ok. This is the story…  many girls in this world have a dream. Almost all of them have a dream . Yeah, all of the girls have dream. A common thing is... she want to be the lucky one. Maybe, when she was a child, she believe in fairy tale, fairy land. Fairy which can make the dreams come true with her magic wand (that's really fancy in a real life now :P) and what the next? When the fairy give her spell with full of magical power, the girl will become completely lucky. She live her life full of smile, many friends, good moments, funny stories and the best memories after all. The girl feels her life so beautiful, as good as her appearance (that's what she thought at the first :P)

Then, the life is not only about pleasure, many friends, many places to go,  meals, hair coloring, shopping, karaoke, movies, and games… these all are just not serious stuff. She feels her heart is empty. It is need something to put inside. It is serious. But what? She feels something different. Something that she never has before. She begins fall in love, the best formula which has created by the God into the world.

Simply, She meets some guys, she begins interest, male-female interaction.  The world is changing little by little, the way of thinking is re-set, or in the other word, it is need a revision, to see everything by the other side, different point of view, when the life is not 'black and white' anymore. Love changes everything. That's the truth. Because its power is more bigger and stronger than fairy's.

She writes her stories in the book called dairy (everyone know it), she writes her love story page by page. Definitely, she writes her hope in every story in that pages… "one day, I hope I would find the Mr. Right, whose kind of heart and hand some, whose a lot of money, who always could guide me in the right way, who always could be save me, and he will be loved by my friends and family. Amen." (Hahaha, I think, it's good to be honest, because the God listen everything :))

Then the girl imagines her life would be like a princess with her prince in the castle (I don't know how to describe the 'real' castle in this real life) Yeah, that's it. But this is not the end of the story. After all the girl still need to be a star, in her own real life. It just a beginning, with her soul mate, her prince who give her the real love. The girl will be shine as a star in her dream, in her real life. She is the lucky star :)

A girl is should be proper to get what she wants, she need to do many things, and keep on praying. She forces and never lose the hope. Then people says she is lucky.

Yeah,  to say lucky is a simple thing, but actually… to be lucky is a long process.
Silly band... She is really bad in dreaming -ZR-