Saturday 21 September 2013

Nasi Bakar Cak Bokir, nom nom :9

Hai halooo... ketemu sabtu lagi nih :D semoga happy selalu ya everyone. Hehehe

Weekend post kali ini lagi-lagi soal kuliner, yang baru aku coba juga semalam, namanya The Baked Riced of Cak Bokir atau Nasi Bakar Cak Bokir (dikit2 lah, niruin gayanya si International Man: Vicky Prasetyo, mumpung belum tenggelam. Hahaha!)

Nah, semalam perjalan perut lapar menuntun kami ke daerah Jalan Antasari, Samarinda, depan dealer Toyota. Tempatnya lesehan bertenda, cukup luas, di pinggir jalan, dengan poster nama yang cukup besar 'Nasi Bakar Cak Bokir', dengan menu-menu yang 'terpampang nyata' ala Syahrini (apasih?!). Disitu tertulis macam-macam menu lauk, selain nasi bakarnya sendiri sebagai the top gun. Ada bebek, ayam, udang, tempe, tahu yang boleh digoreng atau mau dibakar terserah selera deh. hehehe. Ada juga pete bakarnya doooong. Menggoda. Tapi sayangnya semalam saya dan teman-teman tidak beruntung untuk mencoba karena stoknya kosong. Hiuuuh.
Akhirnya, kedua teman saya, Indah dan mba Anif pesan bebek bakar, saya sendiri, cari aman soal rasa, karena masih trial, jadi pesan ayam bakar aja hehehe.

Kita bahas soal rasa.. kalo soal si ayam, rasanya gak jauhlah sama ayam ter-bakar pada umumnya. Hahaha. Mungkin bumbu yang dipakai juga gak beda-beda amat. Tapi potongan ayamnya guede. Saya pesan dada ayam (bagian favorit), dan tembusnya sampai ke bagian sayap. Gede broo. Haha!

Nah, kalo soal nasi bakarnya.... cucok! Nasinya berlemak alias pake santan gitu, toppingnya ada ikan teri dan serondeng kuning yang pas banget dah dilahap sama nasi bakarnya. 
Cuma minus dikit soal kemangi, karena kemanginya tidak dimasukan kedalam gulungan nasi sebelum dibakar, tapi cuma dijadiin tambahan lalapan sama ayam bakarnya tadi.

Soal sambelnya.. pedas, tapi cucok, terasa. Saya termasuk orang yang gak tahan pedas, jadi ya diakalin pake kecap lah ya.

Sebenarnya, saya lebih suka nasi bakar yang diisi kemangi dan udang papay (udang rebon) sebelum dibakar, dan dibakar sampai nasi agak gosong. Kalo sudah gitu, aromanyaaa... hmmm, laper gan. But over all, buat nasi bakarnya ajib lah, serondengnya nom-nom :D

Nah, soal harga, semalam seporsi nasi dan ayam bakarnya plus es teh, dikenai ongkos 30K (mayan, hehe).
Untuk lauk bebek bakar, ongkosnya 37K.

Buat yang mau malming, ngajakin pacar, sodara, gebetan, temen, atau idola makan lesehan pinggir jalan, boleh dicoba deh, Nasi Bakar Cak Bokir.

Ini dia penampakannya gan, sila dikeker hehehhe

Jalan Antasari, Samarinda
Kalimantan Timur
(Depan dealer Toyota)

Sunday 15 September 2013

Keripik Singkong Teri Medan

One more! Camilan khas Indonesia, SNACKIT, dari produsen permen, PT. Kinosentra, Semarang.
Enak loh. Bule bilang, 'oishi'. Haha!
Ah. You want to know the ingredients of Keripik Singkong Teri Medan? Let me tell you; cassava, palm oil, sugar, anchovy, shallot, garlic, chili, lime leaves, salt, pepper, monosodium glutamat a.k.a vetsin. Haha!
How do I know? Of course, I just read it from the pack guys. Haha!
I just found it after lunch, today. Just see how the looks of SNACKIT Keripik Singkong Teri Medan dengan daun jeruk. Try it soon :D

Penampakan Luarnya, kemasannya oke, wrapped seal

tampak dalamnya nih. hehehe

P.S : Just try this at home! (supaya nda disamber anak tetangga ;p)

Kapurung, South Celebes Culinary

Kapurung (Sago Balls)

First time, I tasted this cuisine at my sister' house. It was given by her neighbor. Commonly, her neighbors are bugisness. There, they have custom, when they cook plenty of food, they will share with their neighborhood. I love this custom, so I could taste some new foods that I never eat before. Haha!

Kapurung is one of Indonesian cuisine. Originally, it comes from South Celebes (Sulawesi Selatan). If you know 'Bubur Manado', it is almost the same. Bubur Manado is made from rice and some vegetables, completed with 'ikan asin' or salted fish. Meanwhile, the basic ingredient of Kapurung is 'Sagu' or sago starch. Then, it mixed with many kinds of vegetables; spinach, kangkung, string bean, corn, eggplant, squash and tomato. Also, it is added with pieces of chicken and fish. That makes Kapurung is unique and healthy.

Nyam nyam :9 maybe later, I could try to make it by myself. Haha! Completely, delicious for lunch guys :D

Sketch: Imperfection is Sweet

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Met you was awesome

When the way not follow my heart,
I feel cold in this midnite,
I didn't think you're my cryptonite,
Don't feel it so high

We have memories, thus we can't make it again
We have some moments on the street,
There were reasons we're laughing

Sometimes at night, I think you were my angel of those days
And you were the one who shook my hand to wave goodbye
Then all the things pass by
Met you was awesome,
Met you was awesome

Thursday 5 September 2013

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Jeans never un-cool !!

That jeans simple-bag was made by myself actually, hehehe :p
I just did not have anything to do, and... I saw that very 'jadul' Emba Jeans, so taraaaa... it's cool enough and casual too, I can save my document inside there hehehhe
I love it :D

My Room at Kost Ceria
Swadaya, Samarinda